Using CommonSpot To Serve Members For 10+ Years

Our Goal: We wanted to modernize our website.

Our Challenges: Our site is text heavy, staff transitions led to a loss of knowledge on how to use the CMS, and we were very short on Staff time to contribute to the redesign.

Our Solution: We decided to bring in additional resources to get the job done. The best option was to work with someone who was familiar with our CMS and us. So we partnered with PaperThin to help us get it done. That decision was a huge success for the Association.

PaperThin Team supplemented our staff’s strengths and helped us with our weakness. They took a basic wireframe and provided us with a modern design. They also helped us train staff in how easy and beneficial it is to use CommonSpot. CommonSpot allows us to quickly layout pages that look well on all devices (desktop and mobile devices).   In the near future we are going to integrate more of our custom applications. We still have a ways to go but PaperThin/CommonSpot gave us a major boost. Personally I don’t view them as consultants….I view them as members of our team.

Customer Information

Site Type: Internet