NPS Mobile friendly homepage

National Park Service Homepage
NPS: Website Is As Visually Stunning And Compelling As The National Treasures It Showcases
A PaperThin customer since 2004, The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage. Since 1916, the American people have entrusted the National Park Service with the care of their national parks. With the help of volunteers and park partners, it safeguards these more than 400 places for the more than 275 million visitors every year.
Powered by CommonSpot, NPS.gov is home of the National Park Service and America's more than 400 national parks where one can explore everything that national parks have to offer. Each national park has a page, introducing the park, its activities and upcoming events. One can also find information on how to help care for the national parks in their area by working or volunteering with the National Park Service.
The website is as visually stunning as the national treasures it showcases. It features beautiful imagery, multimedia, maps, FAQs, event calendars, and so much more.
See Mobile-Friendly Park Websites on NPS.gov article in Digital.gov