Delivering a quality web experience means quality control at every level, including checking for the typos and misspellings, that are an inevitable part of the multi-authoring environment. CommonSpot provides powerful, flexible support for easily finding and fixing text entry errors.
You decide on spell check policy: Turn it on and make override optional, turn it off and make enabling optional, or enforce spell checking and make it required throughout the site. A familiar word-processing interface highlights errors, with logical suggestions for one-click replacement.
- Spell checking standard in CommonSpot dialogs
- Familiar find-and-replace options for correcting errors
- Enable/disable spell check and make it required, requested, or optional by default
- Enable one or more lexicons for multi-language or special vocabulary support
- Optionally allow authors to create and maintain personal lexicons for the terms they use most
- Easily include the spell check option for custom text fields