All of us at PaperThin are pleased to announce the latest release of CommonSpot, version 10.6.
This release:
updates CommonSpot’s support for several platforms (including ACF 2018, Lucee 5.3.3, SQLServer 2017, MySQL 5.7 & 8, Java 11, Oracle 18c & 19c, and Solr 8.2),
includes numerous new enhancements to improve usability and performance of CommonSpot,
improves security, closing two reported XSS vulnerabilities, and
fixes numerous bugs that have been reported by you, your fellow CommonSpot users, and our team.
For complete details of the 10.6 release, please read the 10.6 Release Notes, as well as the CommonSpot Technical Specifications
In addition to releasing a new version of CommonSpot, PaperThin has also released version 2.4 of the CommonSpot ADF (Application Development Framework), as well as updates to 3 of the ADF’s core applications: PT Profile, PT Social Medial and PT Calendar. For more information, please read the ADF release notes.
Quickly Find an Action or Menu Option
Quickly Find an Action or Menu Option
With CommonSpot's extensive list of features and capabilities, its sometimes hard for in frequent users to remember how to access certain actions or menu items. Fortunately CommonSpot makes this easy with its 'Find Action' feature accessible from the Help menu.
Updated ADF Version
Updated ADF Version
Along with a new version of CommonSpot, the CommonSpot Application Development Framework has been updated to version 2.4.
Updated ADF Apps (Calendar, Profile & Social Media Stream)
Updated ADF Apps (Calendar, Profile & Social Media Stream)
Run by customers for customers, the PaperThin Community—a.k.a. 'The Commons'—gives developers many distinct advantages that help you work smarter, be more productive, and better support your organization's strategic initiatives. Among other things, you can network with your peers and leverage the open source apps, knowledge, and expertise of the PaperThin community. Community features include: user profiles, forums, blogs, articles, apps, topic webinars, ask the expert sessions, and so on.
ColdFusion 2018 Support
ColdFusion 2018 Support
Leverage your ColdFusion expertise and investments. CommonSpot is built on top of Java and CFML and can be deployed in conjunction with either Adobe ColdFusion or the open-source Railo application server.
Lucee 5.3.x Support
Lucee 5.3.x Support
Starting with version 10.6 of CommonSpot we now support version 5.3.x of the open source Lucee ColdFusion Application Server.
Solr 8 Support
Solr 8 Support
The importance of robust search functionality cannot be over-emphasized. Visitors expect it and sites need it to optimize information discovery and for accurate reporting, analytics, and site tuning. CommonSpot supports both proprietary and open source full-text search, including native support for the popular Apache Solr service.
Updated SQL Server, Oracle & MySQL Support
Updated SQL Server, Oracle & MySQL Support
CommonSpot supports storage of its content in one of several popular SQL Server databases, including SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle.