Experience Management and Accessibility.
This morning, I was sitting on my sofa sipping coffee and listening to a dove coo. It got me thinking about the importance of experiences. Little things like the sound of a dove made my morning especially nice. But what if I was hearing impaired?
Nearly one in five people in the United States live with a disability according to the US Census Bureau. That means that, depending on the type of disability, many of the people who experience your website don’t have the same experience as the rest of the population—unless your website is accessible.
Some industries have website accessibility requirements, such as government organizations for example. Most don’t however. Does it follow then that providing an accessible website isn’t important?
Web experience management should not just be for the masses. If you are going to provide a good web experience for one, you should do it for all. If you have the right web content management system with good accessibility capabilities, this should be an easy task for you.
Watch this short video to learn how CommonSpot can help you make your website accessible.