Blog Post Results for Tag 'cms'

Website Ownership Tug of War

Mar 13 - Time after time, I speak with prospects and customers trying to work out the fundamental details of how to best get their content on the Web. For most, it's solved by using a solid content and experience management system. But even with the best system in place, some organizations can't get out of their own way. That is because the management of the user experience is a complex science. It takes the creative and strategic mind of the marketer, combined with the cutting edge technical skills of developers and IT departments. And that is where most power struggles begin.

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12 Tips for Selecting an SEO-Friendly CMS

Feb 05 - Don’t let your CMS get in the way of your SEO strategy. When choosing a CMS, you need to consider, instead, how it’s going to help. It doesn’t matter how good your site is, a majority of your traffic will come from organic searches on search engines, so SEO has to be the first and last thing you think about when managing your online content. It should also be among the top considerations when selecting a CMS. Here are some of the most important things to look for.

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Don’t let your CMS get in the way of your SEO strategy. When choosing a CMS, you need to consider, instead, how it’s going to help. It doesn’t matter how good your site is, a majority of your traffic will come from organic searches on search engines, so SEO has to be the first and last thing you think about when managing your online content. It should also be among the top considerations when selecting a CMS. Here are some of the most important things to look for.
Feb 05  

If you have a web site, then you have a mobile web site. Whether you intend it or not, people are viewing your site with mobile devices. Your CMS can handle it, but can your design? Mobile design techniques are evolving at a rapid rate, and people are doing things today that weren’t even imagined two years ago.
Dec 12